Our newest grandson arrived on March 5th at 7 pounds and 8 ounces and is just the love of our lives. Daughter, Jenn, and son-in-law, Wes, are fitting into their new roles as Mom and Dad fantastically. Grandpa Don and Grandma are doing very well, too.

Our first two weddings of 2007 are currently in production. Rana and Neal had a great day in spite of the very cold weather. Everyone really enjoyed our time together and their images are already up in their on-line web gallery for their friends and family to enjoy. Here is one of my favourites (and theirs too).
Sasha and Peter had a great wedding at Casa Loma and have just returned from their honeymoon in Mexico. Once again, we enjoyed working with them on their day and we had a great time in spite of me having a run-in with a woman in parked car who wouldn't move so that we could photograph the wedding party getting out of the limo. Thanks to the limo driver who took charge!! We all had a good laugh after it. Sorry no sneak previews until they get their proofs!
I'd also like to take the opportunity to thank my second shooter, Michelle Heron, for getting those great casual shots at both of these weddings.
That's it for now. Tomorrow I'm heading off to another photography workshop to learn some new techniques and skills to put to use for my upcoming wedding season.
For those still looking for 2007 dates, we have a few available so give us a call to chat with us. 2008 is booking quickly.
Have a great weekend everyone.