Tuesday, November 20, 2007

This Week's Update

Well, I am on the road again, visiting my sister in Ottawa for a few days. And, of course, working along the way. It was a beautiful day for a drive down and even though the weather forcast was predicting snow.. I didn't see a flurry at all. Tomorrow, of course, could be a completely different story.

I had the opportunity to drop in on Roy Studio in Cornwall this afternoon. Our own NoBS Stalker was really busy (and by the way, he dresses up for work... including a tie!!). The studio is amazing and I'm in envy about his camera room and off-the-wall props. Thanks for the tour, Dan. Being a part of the NoBS Forum has been an amazing experience for making new friends world-wide. We really appreciate Rob & James who have worked so hard in setting up this amazing website for photographers.

NightinGail Photography is now pleased to be associated with Open Road Chapel (a ministry for truckers) with their head office in Orillia. We photographed the 2007 Chaplains and the Board of Directors as well as individual head shots of their spouses and the staff for their website (www.openroadchapels.ca).

2007 Open Road Chaplains

2007 Board of Directors

Stay tuned for our upcoming specials for January/February.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Weekly Update

Well, the Mayor's Gala for the Arts photos have been delivered to the Town of Markham (http://www.markham.ca/). Cathy Joyce (co-ordinator for the event) as well as her team worked very hard to ensure that the Gala went off without a hitch. A great time was had by all the participants, Gold Guests and VIPS, as well as the corporate sponsors.

The Mayor's Gala on-line photo gallery is now up on our website located at www.nightingailphotography.com/Gallery2 . Click on the "Welcome Sign" photo and the sign-in page will open. The access code is Markham (case sensitive). Contact us if you have any problems accessing the gallery.

In celebration of this worthwhile event, NightinGail Photography is pleased to provide any brides booking with us for the 2008/09 wedding season, a 10% Package Savings Coupon. E-mail us to set-up your complimentary consultation or give us a call. Just print it off and bring it with you when you meet with us. Sorry, only one savings coupon per booking and prices are based on the current season's pricing at the time of booking.

We have shot our last wedding of the 2007 season on November 10th and were thrilled to be a part of all our clients' events this year. Congratulations to all of our couples...

All of our wedding couples' names were entered into our 2007 "Trash the Dress" contest. NightinGail Photography is pleased to announce that the winners are Jeff & Colleen Van Norman. This is a $450 value. What did they win? 2 hours of photographic coverage on multiple locations where Colleen and Jeff get dressed up again in their wedding gear to play outside and have TONS of FUN!! Sun, water, street scapes, parks, or wherever. We will photograph the festivities and not worry about the dress getting dirty. Congratulations, Colleen & Jeff.

Friday, November 02, 2007

October News

Well, it's been a crazy October for NightinGail Photography. We started off with a great pre-school session (thanks to our dear friend, Daniella, who is one of our biggest supporters). We photographed about 30 children at the Whispering Pines Montessori School in Midhurst. All of the children were fabulous and we will post some photos once we get permission for the parents who entrusted us with this special task for 2007-2008.

We also were selected to be the official photographers for the Mayor's Gala for the Arts in Markham, Ontario. This was sponsored by the City of Markham (http://www.markham.ca)/ as well as many wonderful corporate sponsors. It was an absolutely fabulous evening and Mayor Scarpitti and his guests were fabulous. It is a charity event to raise money for all the arts in Markham. We were thrilled to be a part of this event. A selection of images from the event will be posted in the Mayor's Gala Gallery after November 26th. You will be able to see some of the highlights and a brief slideshow.. so stay tuned.

As per our usual hectic schedule, we have photographed three engagement sessions, two weddings and four portrait sessions in October as well.

We want to thank all of our clients and friends who have supported us and encouraged us during this year. NightinGail Photography has now been in operation for 3 years as of October 31st. Thank you.

On a personal note, our grandson, Lincoln, is now standing and walking around the furniture. Once of these days, he's going to take off running and then his mom and our daughter, Jenn along with husband, Wes, will be on the run with him. It's so hard to believe that he is seven months old already. Jenn & Wes will be celebrating their 1st anniversary in November. Boy, how the time flies.

Our son, Shaun, turns 30 in a few days (boy.. now that's hard to believe). He is doing his usual things but it was great to see him last week when he got back in off the road. He has new girlfriend who is very beautiful and very nice. We certainly hope to see more of them now that they are back in the country.

And, on another note, NightinGail Photography will be closed from November 4th through the 10th inclusively. We will answer all e-mail and phone calls upon our return.

Our November / December special is a complimentary 11 x 14 photograph with any photographic service booked before December 15th, 2007. As always, this is subject to our availability.