Saturday, June 28, 2008

Quick Update

Well, we did not receive any entries for the "Trash the Dress" session so our winners from last year - Colleen and Jeff -- will be in Barrie on July 12th to have fun in their wedding attire. We will be visiting some fantastic architectural areas as well as a abandonned building with a caboose and ending up at the waterfront. We are all very excited about this new venture.

NightinGail has been extremely busy with wedding season now in full swing. We are gearing up for Deerhurst tomorrow and Taboo on Sunday so congratulations in advance to Deb and David (Deerhurst) and Jenny and Richard (Taboo). Shiri will be second-shooting with me at both events. We've also been photographing a number of "Love" sessions and we are finishing off the last of our portrait sessions until the late fall.

Jennifer and Jason were home from Calgary at the beginning of June and we had to opportunity to get fabulous engagement and family portraits while they were here. We've also finished "Love Sessions" for Jodi & Al and Kristen & Lonny.

Our new website has run into a glitch or two so the "go-live" date has been pushed back to mid-July. Hopefully before we are closed for some well-deserved downtime.

We've got some new friends on Facebook as well as new fans of NightinGail Photography. We'd love to have you join us.

At lot of other things have been happening as well. Last weekend we planted a new flower garden in our front yard (which will be used as a fabulous backdrop for portraits over the summer). We also had to put in a new lawn and at least this year, it rained every day for the two weeks after we laid the sod. Whew!!

For those who have been asking, Don is doing very well. He's almost back to his old self and is participating in heart exercise class in Newmarket twice a week. We are both watching the portions of food so hopefully, everything will pay off with us both being in better shape.

Well, that's it for now. Have to get off for some sleep because it's a hectic weekend.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Update from our friend, Rob O.

One of our NoBS photography associates is going off to Florida next week for some beach sessions in the Venice-Sarasota area so if you're nearby and need fabulous photos, check on Rob's itinerary here. Have fun, Rob.

We were in the area over Christmas and can't wait to revisit in early 2009. The weather was amazing and we are planning a whole week of shooting on the beach.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Free "Trash the Dress" Session (4)

Win a 1 hour TTD session in July (date to be determined) with NightinGail Photography. Session includes 1 hour of photography at Heritage Park, Barrie, on-line web gallery with 40 images, CD with 20 fully-retouched images in colour and B&W. Little Black Book with your choice of 10 images. Regular session value - $350. (sorry .. no cash value)


  1. You must be married.
  2. You cannot worry about getting your dress dirty.
  3. You like to have fun.
  4. You want to have something different than those standard bridal portraits.
  5. You don't care about getting wet!
  6. You may bring your husband along (but only if he wants to take part).
  7. Tell us why you'd be the one of the best candidates and e-mail me a photo of you in your gown (if I did not photograph your wedding.)

Winners will be chosen by voting here on the blog. Entries close on June 7th at midnight. Winners will be notified by June 10th.