Sunday, February 03, 2008

Thanks to Everyone

Just a quick note of thanks to all of our family, friends and clients for the support this past week during my darling husband's heart attack. He is resting comfortably now in the Cardiac Unit at Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie but will be sent down to South Lake Hospital in Newmarket on Monday for further testing. We also want to thank our Emmanuel Baptist Church family for all of the assistance and to Paster Rick Buck who dropped in on Don on Friday as well.

A really special thank you to my step-son, Glenn, who stepped up and cleaned out our driveway on Saturday morning after the blizzard on Friday. I am really grateful.

Leo is very despondent about his "daddy" not being at home but a few rides in the car over the last couple of days has cheered him up a bit. He is still sniffing at the front door because those strange men were in our house and took his "daddy" away.

I especially want to thank our clients this week for all the understanding about the possibility of a minor delay in their product delivery. I promise that we will get to everything very soon.

Off to the hospital in a few minutes so I'll touch base later.

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