Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mean Yellow

Yup... that's really the colour code of DH's new car. One more thing off his bucket list.. a convertible for two. You know you've arrived (not me of course) when you buy a car that has absolutely NO trunk space when the top is down. Don picked it up on Saturday morning and then off we went for a long drive up the Haliburton. Leo, (our pooch) tagged along but really didn't like the fac that there was no room for him anywhere in the car but on the floor or sitting on the passenger's lap. (I'm sure he feels about this car, the same way he feels about our canoe... if only dogs could talk.

The last one is me -- sitting in the car -- but it sure was fun to go out on that beautiful day on Saturday and enjoy what little hair we have blowing in the breeze.

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