Thursday, September 18, 2008

Really Crazy Week!!

NightinGail and me in particular, has been run off our feet.

We were thrilled to assist Serendipity Photography (Charalynne) from Brampton at Tanyss and Adam's wedding on Saturday, September 13th at Hawk Ridge Golf & Country Club in Orillia. This is the third time that NightinGail has been priviledged to photograph weddings at this fabulous venue and Saturday was no exception. Tanyss and Adam as well as their wedding party were fabulous and we know that they are going to love Charalynne's interpretation of their day. And we didn't even get rained on... it held off until the beginning of the reception!

On Sunday, our normal day off, we photographed the Winters family (winners of one of our donations to the Wings Charity Golf Tournament) at Sunnydale Park. It was overcast but beautiful and once again, we were able to get everything completed before the downpours started again.

Then on Monday night, I got word from my cousin, Joan, that her mom -- my Aunt Erma -- had passed away on the weekend. Actually she was my Great-Aunt, the last of the Mullhollands, and 97 years young. My sister, Sharon, and I went down to Belleville yesterday for the funeral. The officiant did a fabulous job of capturing Aunt Erma's spirit and making it a celebration of her life. It was amazing to see cousins that we hadn't seen in years and reconnect with Anne and Joan. It was also great to meet Anne's children - Jason, LeeAnne and Michelle -- as always, everyone says "let's keep in touch" but this time, I think that we really mean it this time.

They did a great job of putting together the story of Aunt Erma's life in photos and it was really interesting to look at all of the old pictures and realize that it is really important that we have photographs and memories of our past.

Today I'm in Toronto cleaning up some odds and ends and then back to working on our August weddings. We will have updated photos from some of our summer weddings as soon as our clients see them first.

NightinGail has worked really hard over the summer and has been able to deliver all of our June/July weddings over six weeks ahead of schedule.

And on a personal note, my DH (the Grand Poo-Bah) is out looking at a roadster sports car. He's always wanted one and here's hoping that he finally is able to get behind the wheel of a 2007 Pontiac Solstice, thanks to his "part-time" business.

Until next time.... Cheers!!

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